English question paper in the NDA exam is framed in such a way that the aspirant’s understanding and their in-depth knowledge of English can be examined. In the following, the NDA 2022 English syllabus has been highlighted in a detailed manner:
एनडीए परीक्षा में अंग्रेजी का प्रश्न पत्र इस
तरह से तैयार किया गया है कि उम्मीदवार की समझ और अंग्रेजी के उनके गहन ज्ञान की
जांच की जा सके। निम्नलिखित में, एनडीए 2022 अंग्रेजी पाठ्यक्रम को विस्तृत तरीके
से हाइलाइट किया गया है:
NDA English Syllabus
- Grammar and usage
- Comprehension and cohesion
- Spotting of errors
- Para Jumbling (p,q,r,s type question)
- Fill in the blanks
- Synonyms and antonyms
- Vocabulary
- Cloze test
- Sentence correction and improvement
- Completion of Sentence and para
General Knowledge: The question paper comprises of general knowledge and covers the subjects that include Physics, Chemistry, Social Studies, General Science, Geography and Current Events.
सामान्य ज्ञान: प्रश्न पत्र में सामान्य ज्ञान शामिल होता है और इसमें भौतिकी, रसायन विज्ञान, सामाजिक अध्ययन, सामान्य विज्ञान, भूगोल और वर्तमान घटनाओं
को शामिल किया जाता है।
Section A – Physics
Motion of objects, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Force and Momentum, Parallelogram of Forces, Stability and Equilibrium of bodies, Gravitation, elementary ideas of work, Velocity and Acceleration, Power and Energy, Sound waves and their properties, Simple musical instruments, Natural and Artificial Magnets, Properties of a Magnet, Earth as a Magnet, Siphon, Levers, Balloon, Pumps, Hydrometer, Pressure Cooker, Thermos Flask, Gramophone, Telegraphs, Telephone, Periscope, Telescope, Microscope, Mariner’s Compass; Lightening Conductors, Safety Fuses, Simple Pendulum.
Simple Pulleys, Physical Properties and States of Matter, Mass, Weight, Volume, Density and Specific Gravity, Principle of Archimedes, Pressure Barometer, Effects of Heat, change of State and Latent Heat, Modes of transference of Heat, Rectilinear propagation of Light, Reflection and refraction. Spherical mirrors and Lenses. Human Eye, Static and Current Electricity, Measurement of temperature and heat, conductors and Non-conductors, Ohm’s Law, Simple Electrical Circuits, Heating, Lighting and Magnetic effects of Current, Measurement of Electrical Power, Primary and Secondary Cells, Use of X-Rays.
Section B – Chemistry
Preparation and Properties of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon-Di-oxide, Oxidation and Reduction, Material used in the preparation of substances like soap, Glass, Ink, Paper, Cement, Paints, Safety Matches, and Gun-Powder, Carbon – different forms, Physical and Chemical changes. Symbols, Formulas and simple Chemical Equations, Law of Chemical Combination (excluding problems). Properties of Air and Water, Acids, bases and salts, Elements, Mixtures and Compounds, Fertilizers – Natural and Artificial, Elementary ideas about the Structure of Atom, Atomic, Equivalent and Molecular Weights, Valency.
Section C – General Science
Basis of Life – Cells, Protoplasm and Tissues, Constituents of food, Balanced Diet, Achievements of Eminent Scientists, Difference between the living and non-living, Elementary knowledge of human Body and its important organs, Food – Source of Energy for man, Growth and Reproduction in Plants and Animals, Common Epidemics, their causes and prevention, The Solar System – Meteors and Comets, Eclipses.
Section D – History
Freedom Movement in India, Buddha , Sarvodaya , National Integration and Welfare State, Basic Teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, A broad survey of Indian History, with emphasis on Culture and Civilisation
, Elementary knowledge of Five Year Plans of India, Elementary study of Indian Constitution and Administration, Panchayati Raj, Forces shaping the modern world; Renaissance, Exploration and Discovery; War of American Independence, French Revolution, Industrial Revolution and Russian Revolution, Impact of Science and Technology on Society, Concept of one World, United Nations, Panchsheel, Democracy, Socialism and Communism, Co-operatives and Community Development, Role of India in the present world.
Section E – Geography
Origin of Earth, Weathering – Mechanical and Chemical, Earthquakes and volcanoes, Atmosphere and its composition, Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure, Rocks and their classification, Planetary Winds, cyclones and Anti-cyclones, Humidity, Condensation and Precipitation, Major Natural regions of the World, Important Sea ports and main sea, land and air routes of India. Main items of Imports and Exports of India, Types of Climate, The Earth, its shape and size, Lattitudes and Longitudes, Concept of time, International Date Line, Movements of Earth and their effects, Ocean Currents and Tides, Regional Geography of India – Climate, Natural vegetation. Mineral and Power resources, location and distribution of agricultural and industrial activities.
Section F – Current Events
Current important world events, Knowledge of Important events that have happened in India in the recent years, prominent personalities – both Indian and International including those connected with cultural activities and sports.
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